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By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

Literacy has always been considered a prime aim of education and the Australian Association for the Teaching of English constantly remind educators of its importance. Responding to aspects of the English National Curriculum Statement the AATE identified what it considered teachers needed to know in order to teach and report on student progress in English effectively, with literacy as usual high on the agenda.

In October 1994 the English Discipline Renewal Program was p resented in Brisbane and formed the basis of a reading and viewing package Critical Literacy: Readings and resources. The kit -containing a video and book, aims to help teachers further understand the concept of critical literacy and how it relates to various English teaching practices.

Through a series of workshops with detailed supporting activities and follow-up investigations, the five presenters Pam Gilbert, Colin Lankshear, Wendy Morgan, Susan Werba and Lindsay Williams encourage teachers to consider the value of critical literacy approaches for secondary students in English . Initially teachers are asked to contemplate critical language awareness and the relationship between language and power, and the importance of teaching students to be critical readers. The final chapter leaves teachers with a perspective of sexist language practices within texts and how language operates in a social sense.

A detailed package of interest to T /Ls with their involvement in literature and the promotion of reading within the school environment.

Critical Literacy: Readings and resources
ISBN: 1 875659080

Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)