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Issue 85 Summary

By Anthea Amos

A summary of all the articles featured in Issue 85 of Connections.

Please note this issue of Connections is only available in PDF format.

Articles in this issue include:

Digital citizenship
Judith Way, Kew High School

Using archetypes to matching learning spaces with physical and digital spaces
Bianca Hewes, Teacher and Blogger

The Annual Report: your ticket to greater advocacy
Dianne McKenzie, Discovery College, Hong Kong

Website and app reviews
Nigel Paull, South Grafton Public School, NSW

Captions as a literacy and learning tool
Allayne Woodford, Media Access Australia

SCIS is more...
Pru Mitchell, Education Services Australia

Resourcing the curriculum: focus on career development
myfuture, CareersNZ and the Real Game websites

Supporting Australian book creators
Anthea Amos, Education Services Australia

Anthea Amos

Editor, Connections