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Website and app reviews

By Nigel Paull

A selection of approved websites and apps to use in the classroom.

Curious George

Young fans of this popular and successful book character will be delighted to discover an intriguing website filled with games, stories, puzzles, videos, and creative activities. Resource links are available for early learning teachers and parents.
SCIS no. 1664402

Digital excursions – Museum of Contemporary Art Australia

Schools are encouraged to book interactive digital field trips from this prominent contemporary art website. An exciting adjunct to the site is the ability for teachers to also reserve an Art-in-a-Box package containing teaching resources and art making materials.
SCIS no. 1664418

Education - Asian Cup

In January 2015 Australia is hosting the Asian Football Confederation's Asian Cup. The event will be televised to huge audiences throughout Asia. Teaching resources for students in Years 5 and 6 have been developed in the key learning areas of maths, English, art, and PE. Material includes: documents, videos, rubrics, ICT material, and country information regarding the 16 qualifying teams.
SCIS no. 1664454

Healthy Active - a healthy and active Australia

Emanating from Australia's Department of Health the content on this website provides information on healthy eating, physical activity, and preventative measures to ensure an active life. Several programs are relevant for schools, including Get Set 4 Life - Habits for Healthy Kids and Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Garden National Program.
SCIS no. 1664522

HHMI's BioInteractive

Scientists at Howard Hughes Medical Institute are committed to providing quality teaching resources to advance science education in high schools and universities. A range of engaging and relevant multimedia resources are available including virtual labs, weekly images, animations and videos.
SCIS no. 1245510

iCAN count money Australia

Australian primary students can use this application to help learn real world procedures to pay for goods, estimate totals, and give correct change combinations. A small fee is charged for the application and it is suitable for iPads and iPhones.
SCIS no. 1664918

Indigenous Australian: Art Gallery of New South Wales

This free application encourages students and teachers to explore the collection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks housed in the Art Gallery of NSW. The application features high-quality images of a variety of artworks, interviews, videos, and explanations of the art terms used.
SCIS no. 1664551

My career planner

Developed for the University of Western Sydney, this website was honored in the 2014 Webby Awards. Taking the position that career aspirations motivate students, not simply course descriptions, the website is interactive and takes around 25 minutes to complete. At the conclusion students are offered appropriate career and course options.
SCIS no. 1664584

Project Noah

Project Noah is an inspirational natural science website, backed by National Geographic, which encourages students to share their own experiences of wildlife with others, or to create and promote their own biodiversity missions. Teachers are encouraged to 'help students to reconnect with nature [and] provide them with real opportunities to make a difference'.
SCIS no. 1664568

Shaun Tan - Rules of Summer

Award-winning author and illustrator Shaun Tan's recent thought-provoking book, Rules of Summer, is the focus of this appealing website. Using short videos Tan offers readers further insights into the book's origins, aspects of illustrations, and themes. There is also a teacher's guide for both primary and secondary levels available for download.
SCIS no. 1664549

Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson is an internationally recognised education expert, innovator, researcher, writer, and popular TED speaker. Robinson's website contains blogs, a biography, videos, speeches, and links to some of his publications. He states that everything on the website is connected to his mission to 'transform the culture of education and organizations with a richer conception of human creativity and intelligence.'
SCIS no. 1664540

Waitangi National Trust

This comprehensive and engaging website provides an opportunity to learn about New Zealand's most significant document, the Treaty of Waitangi. It provides background information and a wealth of pertinent material and links are available for students and teachers. Schools can also book tours and of the Waitangi Treaty Grounds in preparation for visiting the historic site.
SCIS no. 1439144

The sites selected in Website and app reviews are often of a professional nature and should be initially viewed by teachers and library staff to determine suitability for students. The links, content, and address of these sites are subject to change.

Nigel Paull

Nigel Paull

Teacher Librarian

South Grafton Public School