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Issue 65 Summary

By Editor

A summary of all the articles featured in Issue 65 of Connections.

Please note this issue of Connections is only available in PDF format.

Articles in the issue include:

Turn a threat into an opportunity
via Teacher Librarian

Information skills, technology and innovation
Abstracts from Curriculum Leadership Journal

Tapping the potential of students
Abstracts from Curriculum Leadership Journal

RFID – the latest in library technology
Greg Worrell, Dandenong High School, VIC

Internetting corner
Nigel Paull, South Grafton Primary School, NSW

SCISWeb handy hints

SCIS news

New and revised subject headings

Policy support for school libraries
Anne Chowne, St Michael's Primary School, VIC; Anne Girolami, Siena College, VIC; Sandra Ryan, Santa Maria College, VIC

Changes in the Dewey Decimal Classification
Ray Cotsell, SCIS Cataloguer

Educational Lending Right
Craig Smith, Illustrator

The Le@rning Federation
Rohini Mehta, The Le@rning Federation

