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What’s New

By Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)

In Connections No 4 1992 (p. 3-4) Katrina Kolt described how an electronic bulletin board (BBS) could be used to communicate with the rest of the world for the cost of a local telephone call. Many of the educational BBSs mentioned in that article provide access to INTERNET, the international bulletin board. If you would like to know more about INTERNET send for Craig Howley's article "Of ubiquity and the Internet", in Emergency Librarian, March -April, 1993, p 34.

In the same edition of Emergency Librarian (p. 57-58) Anne Clyde continues her overview of automated library systems, covering Dynix, The Eloquent Librarian, C iro Plus/Cat Plus, MacSchool, Library 4 and Maplewood.

If you have been inspired to try the magical world of electronic communications and ara attempting to fathom the bits and bauds of buying a modem, there is an excellent article by Micheal Brandon entitled "Telecomputing : how to choose which type of modem is most suited to your needs" in Australian PC User, August 1 992, p.92-96. It explains the technical aspects succinctly, talks about the advantages of internal versus external modems and explains how fax modems work.

"The Electronic Eugenean, 1990-1991 : a CR-ROM yearbook" is an exciting glimpse into what may well become a commonplace form of in-house publishing. Susan Kinnell explains how a high school yearbook was created using Hypercard stacks on a Macintosh computer. The yearbook contains maps, text, photographs, colour, sound, animation and graphics. Information Searcher, Winter, no. 5, p. 20-21.

In the same issue, Micheal Eisenberg and Peter M ilbury introduce LM-NET, a school library media bulletin board accessib le via Internet, LM-NET aims to provide a forum exchange of ideas, information and contacts. At the time of going to press I have attempted to make contact but have not yet received a reply. Hopefully, I will be able to provide an up-date in the next issue.


Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS)