Issue 3
Term 3 1992
Staff Profile
Lance Deveson: Senior Information Officer.
Lance started his teaching career as a classroom teacher then furthered his qualifications with study in teacher librarianship and computing. He worked in city and country schools in Victoria for 15 years before becoming a Library Consultant in the Central Highlands-Wimmera Region for 5 years. During this time he was able to further his interest in Library automation by assisting many schools to begin and complete the process. Lance has been fortunate to have taught in England and USA where he broadened his educational experiences. Lance is a member of both the School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV) where he was President in 1989-90 and ALIA.
In 1990 Lance came to work at the Curriculum Corporation on a 12 month contract to assist with the professional development program of the Information program leading to his current appointment as Senior Information Officer.

Barbara Burr: Library Technician
Barbara has worked at Ascis now Curriculum Corporation for 3 years, previously half time but now full time. Prior to her current position Barbara worked as a Library Technician at 2 state secondary colleges while undertaking qualifications in that area at Box Hill College of TAFE, being in the first batch of graduates of the updated course Associate Diploma of Social Sciences (Lib. and Info. Services). Barbara has also teaching qualifications and taught in government secondary schools in Victoria for 14 years. She is a member of ALIA (Tech).
Ellen Paxton: Cataloguing Coordinator
Ellen comes to the Curriculum Corporation from a secondary school where she was Teacher Librarian in charge of a large automated school Library. Ellen has also worked as a year level coordinator and classroom teacher where her methods were history, english and politics. Ellen has experience on a variety of the major automated systems both as a cataloguer and user.

Nicole England: Client Services Officer
Nicole comes to Curriculum Corporation as a graduate in Teaching and Librarianship. Nicole has a joint role of Library Technician and Client liaison. Nicole graduated in 1991 and has had a variety of jobs before coming to the Corporation including work in Public libraries and voluntary work in School libraries.