Issue 28
Term 1 1999
CC News

SCIS products available
Curriculum Corporation has the following products available for use in libraries. To order please send a cheque with an official school purchase order form.
Banksia Wave Modem
Curriculum Corporation, in cooperation with All Barcodes Australia, is able to offer customers the purchase of a Banksia Wave Modem (56,600 Kbps), an external modem, which is available for use with IBM compatible and Macintosh computers.
Cost: $350.00
Barcode Scanner
Curriculum Corporation, in cooperation with All Barcodes Australia, is able to offer customers the purchase of a Cipher Lab fixed scanner (includes a three-year warranty). The scanner can be used in conjunction with SCIS subscription products and enables ISBNs to be scanned rather than entered manually.
Cost: $310.00
Portable Barcode Scanner
Curriculum Corporation, in cooperation with All Barcodes Australia, is able to offer customers the purchase of a Cipher Lab portable barcode scanner (includes a one-year warranty). The scanner can be used in conjunction with SCIS subscription products and enables ISBNs to be scanned rather than entered manually. It is especially useful for schools who wish to add resources to the I ibrary software system that are not housed in the main library collection, such as reading materials, teacher reference and subject collections. There is no need to move materials to the library to be added to the system. This portable unit is great for use during a stocktake of the collection.
Cost: $599.00
Learning for the Future: Developing information services in Australian schools
This primary and secondary professional resource was compiled by Australian School Library Association and Australian Library and Information Association. The book sets the context for the development of library and information services in Australian schools. ·It presents benchmarks against which schools can evaluate current provisions for developing information literacy. It identifies the Teacher Librarian and the services of the school library resource centres as key factors in the attainment of the goals of education, the delivery of nationally agreed student learning outcomes and the development of key competencies.
Cost: $19.95 plus $6.00 postage
Forthcoming SCIS products available in 1999
SCIS Subject Headings, 4th edition
The SCIS Subject Headings book is currently being reviewed. Later in 1999 an updated edition of the print publication will be available. It will include new subject headings and amendments to existing headings. It is an essential tool for all Teacher Librarians to ensure consistent and accurate subject headings in their library catalogues.
Cost: to be announced.
Check the catalogue on the SCIS Website: webupdat.htm
SCIS Subject Headings (electronic lookup version)
This is an electronic version of the book that enables searching of subject headings.
Cost: to be announced.
Check the catalogue on the SCIS Website: webupdat.htm
1999 SCIS Subject Headings Authority File On Disk
This is a new edition of the complete listing of approximately 150,000 SCIS subject headings with cross references. It consists of a floppy disk, which is designed for use in the cataloguing module of your library automation system. Make sure to check compatibility with your library software supplier before ordering the product. This is the latest version of the existing Subject Headings On Disk.
Cost: to be announced.
Check the catalogue on the SCIS Website:
Subscription reminder
Almost 7,000 schools have already subscribed to SCISWeb or SCISCO for 1999. SCIS subscription reminder notices have been sent to a ll schools with no current subscription for this year. If you require a SCIS subscription order form please contact SCIS.
If you are unsure about which product to select. contact SCIS Customer Support to arrange a p review of SCISWeb. Alternatively, discuss the benefits of using SCIS products with other Teacher Librarians and possibly arrange to preview their copy.
Important copyright issues
A school's curriculum policy documents should ensure that students and staff are aware of copyright issues. Ian McDonald, Legal Officer of the Australian Copyright Council made the following points in a presentation at the ASLA Conference on 21 st February, 1998.
'Building ethical communities is the role of Teacher Librarians and schools ... Schools do not expect to get free paper (ie physical property) hence schools should not expect to get intellectual property free ... Teacher Librarians must manage the risks by checking licence agreements and ensuring that it is under control whilst using the product ...
The three principles of copyright are:
- Matter created by the brain may be aired.
- Those who create such matter should be rewarded.
- Thou shall not steal.'
Any Curriculum Corporation products purchased for use in a school are subject to copyright laws. This includes SCIS products such as sets Subject Headings and SCIS bibliographic data obtained indirectly from a third party such as a library system vendor, agent or book supplier. As the legal liability for use of this data lies with schools, schools must ensure that when the data is supplied it is done so as part of a current licensing arrangement the school has with Curriculum Corporation. Similarly the unlicensed copying or downloading of SCIS records from a web-enabled school library catalogue is also a breach of copyright. Schools with web-enabled library catalogues may wish to forewarn of a potential breach of copyright thereby protecting their own intellectual property as well.
SCISWeb customers must read the Copyright Licence Agreement document, which is to be found at: scisprod/weblicen.htm
SCISCD customers must read the Copyright Licence Agreement document. which is included in the manual that is dispatched with first issue of SCISCO for 1999.
On the Curriculum Corporation Website, customers should note that there is copyright on the information available in the other nine links on the SCIS page. However, we do allow free copying and distribution of this information as long as Curriculum Corporation is properly acknowledged.