Internetting Corner

By Heather Kelsall

Providing students with WWW sites to visit may discourage indiscriminate surfing. Many schools now have a folder beside the access computer with the sites organised Into curriculum areas. The following sites have been provided by a number of T/Ls:
Natural medicine, complementary health care and alternative therapies. cais/
Collection of Papers from the proceedings of the annual conference of the Canadian Association for Wormation Science.
Australian Archives page offers locations of important holdings, exhibitions and planned events.
Telstra telephone white pages
A real-life collection of antique scientific instruments from the Uni. of Naples.
Links to veterinary resources such as the electronic zoo and veterinary medicine.
The home page of the head office of Greenpeace International.
The Geometry Centre located at the Uni of Minnesota supports communication between mathematicians.
Australian cricket with pointers to cricket gophers and information pages.
The IECC lntercultural EMAIL classroom connection which assists schools to find partners.
Home page for Parkes Observatory and Radio Telescope
A collection of education based sites that may be handy for teachers and students.

ANYONE interested in a faster search engine, try using or
Two computer scientists at UC Berkeley have introduced parallel computing to the Internet to create the fastest and more comprehensive engine -which also provides the largest index to web documents.


  1. Catherine Ryan informs us of a new journal and document delivery service for schools to be launched in 1996 using the Internet, called BAREFAX. It will provide a journal index with abstracts, searching will be free and an order form for documents will be provided. Charges will be moderate (?) and available for schools on an account basis. For further details e-mail Catherine on [email protected].
  2. Looking for a workplace change? The information recruitment agency, Library Locums has posted current job vacancies in Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane and Melbourne on their new WWW site:

Senior management in some schools still have concerns about students accessing anti-social material on the Internet.

La Salle College, Perth have addressed this in a positive manner with emphasis on students being responsible for their own actions. Under the direction of T /L Pru Mitchell students are required to sign the Internet Users Agreement before accessing the School's Internet facilities.


  1. The College Library's Internet account exists to provide access to curriculum related information. I will not use this account to look for material which is unrelated to the College curriculum unless I have been given permission by College staff.
  2. Publications dealing with pornography or extreme violence are not permitted at the College. I will not use the Internet to access unacceptable material.
  3. Information published on the Internet may be inaccurate or may misrepresent a person or situation, thus I will take care in my use of this information.
  4. I will not break copyright law by copying and/or redistributing another's work, and I will not use another person's work without correctly acknowledging them.
  5. Section 85ZE of the Commonwealth Crimes Act, states that a person shall not knowingly or recklessly:
    a: Use a telecommunications service supplied by a carrier to menace orĀ· harass another person; or
    b: Use a telecommunications service supplied by a carrier in such a way as would be regarded by reasonable persons as being, in all circumstances, offensive.
  6. I have read this Statement on Improper use of Telecommunications services. In all communication with others I will be respectful, accurate and use appropriate written expression, such as would be acceptable in a written College assessment item.
  7. In fairness to other users I will make my Internet use as efficient as possible.

Student signature:


Heather Kelsall
