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A note from the editor

By Nicole Richardson

Welcome to Connections 103!

There have been lots of exciting changes at SCIS recently: after several standards changes to help make your life easier, we have just launched our new, modern, innovative and user-friendly platform, SCIS Data. And as part of our promise to bring you a more beautiful and modern SCIS, we welcome you to our new-look issue of Connections. We hope you like it.

You can also find Connections’ newly revamped home online at www.scisdata.com/connections. We have been busy digitising old issues of Connections, which provide an interesting reflection on the significant changes in school library cataloguing practices and trends over the past 25 years.

We are proud of the role Connections plays in the school library community, and are grateful to our wonderful contributors who make each issue possible — you are truly superstars. When I was at library school, my lecturer Sue Reynolds, with her infectious and always-present passion for librarianship, said, ‘You’ll find that most librarians are willing to help. If you ever have a question, ask a librarian. They’ll do everything they can to find an answer for you.’ (And I should note, this was in discussion of the fabulous OZTL_NET community.) My past two years at the Connections desk have proven Sue’s statement to be true. Through the generous sharing of stories and ideas in Connections, it is clear that school library professionals of all varieties are selfless, passionate people with one shared message: ‘school libraries matter’. What a pleasure it is to be involved in this community.

If you would like to contribute to Connections, whether you are an experienced or a first-time writer, we’d love to hear from you. Please write to me at connections@esa.edu.au — even if you simply want to say hello, share feedback, or respond to any ideas raised in Connections. Our inbox is always open, your feedback always welcome.

Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoy this issue.

Nicole Richardson

Nicole Richardson

Communications & Projects Coordinator, SCIS

Education Services Australia